
Chrysler sponsors Terminator: Salvation, we see hope, irony

If a company is going to stay in business, there's no question that it must continue to market itself. Yet Chrysler's choice to pay to do so via this summer's Terminator: Salvation is a head-scratcher. Some folks have made an issue -- a valid one -- of public funds being used to secure the sponsorship. Regardless of who's paying, we don't get this at all.
Chrysler's director of media, Susan Thomson, said "We have a following with the Terminator movies and we are going to continue with that." We have no idea what following she's speaking of, unless she means the ancient Dodge police car or equally ancient Jeep from the first film, neither of which made us think, "Chrysler rocks!" A modern, beat-up Wrangler makes a cameo in the latest trailer, but again, it doesn't leave us jonesing for a Jeep.
When all anyone wants from Chrysler is good looking, ably performing cars, we don't know what kind of mojo they expect to garner by showing up in the post-apocalypse. However, we also don't know what Chrysler's sponsorship entails. It could merely be a "Brought to you by" tag. Or maybe Chrysler just likes the word "Salvation." Or there could be a shiny red-eyed Terminator sub-frame hauling ass in a 2009 Dodge Ram with lasers and miniguns. Now that would rock. Hat tip to RDS
[Source: Reuters via World Car Fans]


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